
Me Makes We

WHEN: 29-31 October 2021
WHAT: Visual art or ceramics. Dancing, painting, or creative thinking.
PLACE: Kuggom, Loviisa, Finland
PRICE:  390€ (420€ single room)

ALL INCLUSIVE price includes teaching, evening programs, accommodation & meals.

Price without accommodation 340€.

An additional cost of 20€ added for the ceramic course.

    The Me Makes We art camp offers three explorative days to dive into your chosen material, either ceramics or painting, combined with dance or creative thinking. Start the day with a relaxing yoga session or a morning walk. In the evening there will be music performances and delicious dinner.
    This art camp is a place to explore, to try, to fail, and to light a creative spark that will last long after you get back home. The focus lies on doing and on the process, instead of the end-result.

    This art camp is a place to explore, to try, to fail, and to light a creative spark that will last long after you get back home. The focus lies on doing and on the process, instead of the end-result.

    The accomodation is at Heritage Center Kuggom.



    Kaisa Korpela

    Iina Heiskanen

    Beniamino Borghi

    Frida Hultcrantz

    Sara Bengts



    Registration Terms
